MLgroup (Machine Learning Group)

Research Topics

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Medical Applications

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Biometrics

  • face recognition
  • iris recognition
  • hand gesture recognition

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Financial Sector

  • analysis of data from public sources, detection of anomalies and outliers in financial data, fraud detection

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Robotics

  • control design of mobile robotic systems
  • welding quality control
  • robotic art

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Power Engineering

  • smart grid networks

Group members:

  • Miloš Oravec (professor), Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): Homepage

  • Jarmila Pavlovičová (professor), Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): Homepage

  • Juraj Kačur (associated professor), Institute of Multimedia ICT (IMICT): Poster
  • Radoslav Vargic (associated professor), Institute of Multimedia ICT (IMICT)
  • Slavomír Kajan (assistent professor), Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): Poster
  • Ľuboš Omelina, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): Poster, HomepagePhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Visual Human Recognition and Identification, defended October 2016, joint degree STU Bratislava and VUB Brussels
  • Dominik Sopiak, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM):  Homepage, PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Biometric Recognition of People Based on Face and Ear Biometrics, defended 2019
  • Veronika Kurilová, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM), PhD study successfully finished: New Methods of Diagnostics in Ophthalmology, defended August 26, 2021
  • Jozef Goga, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): Poster PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Diagnostics in Biomedicine Based on Neural Networks, defended 2023
  • Boris Puterka, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC)
  • Zuzana Rábeková, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): Homepage
  • Vanesa Andicsová, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): Poster, Homepage
  • Péter Mácsik, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): Poster, PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation: Methods of Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy on Retinal Images, defended January 25, 2024
  • Ondrej Straka, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC)
  • Michal Kováč, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC)
  • Marián Šebeňa, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM)

Former group members:

  • Vojtěch Jirka, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): PhD study successfully finished: New Methods of Biometric Face and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Conditions Using Machine Learning Methods, defended December 20, 2022
  • Marek Loderer, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Human Face Detection and Recognition, defended 2017
  • Matej Féder, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Proposal of Methods of Feature Extraction and Classification in Biometrics, defended April 17, 2015
  • Jozef Ban, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (IRC): PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Human Face Recognition, defended September 24, 2014
  • Milan Zelina, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Analysis and Classification of Traffic of Communication Networks, defended August 26, 2014
  • Filip Pilka, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM): PhD study successfully finished: Dissertation – Neural Networks and Data Prediction, defended July 10, 2012
  • Ján Mazanec, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM)
  • Alexandra Posoldova, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM)
  • Ján Bédi, Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics (ICSM)

Relevant scientific projects

running projects:

  • AI4EYE – Podpora diagnostiky v oftalmológii metódami umelej inteligencie / AI4EYE AI Supported Diagnostics in Ophthalmology, grant APVV-22-0606, (principal investigator J.Pavlovičová, FEI STU), 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2027
  • AIDabiomeDIA – Umelá inteligencia vo vývoji pokročilých metód biometrie a medicínskej diagnostiky (AIDabiomeDIA  – AI in Development of Advanced Biometrics and Medicine Diagnostics), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0202/23, (principal investigator J.Pavlovičová, FEI STU), 2023-2025
  • INOLab – Centrum pre inovácie a kybernetickú bezpečnosť, projekt aplikovaného výskumu FEI STU v Bratislave a NBS (Národná banka Slovenska) v oblastiach aplikácie umelej inteligencie, strojového učenia, matematických metód, kybernetickej bezpečnosti, 2020 – / INOLab – Center for Innovation and Cyber Security, project of applied research of FEI STU in Bratislava and NBS (National Bank of Slovakia) in the area of artificial intelligence, machine learning, mathematical methods, cybersecurity, 2020 –
  • Medzinárodné centrum excelentnosti pre výskum inteligentných a bezpečných informačno-komunikačných technológií a systémov – II. etapa, Kód ITMS: 313021W404, spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja, 2019-2023 / International Center of Excellence for Research on Intelligent and Secure Information and Communication Technologies and Systems – II. stage, ITMS code: 313021W404, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, 2019-2023

successfully finished projects:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Digital Cultures (AIMeDiC) Internal FEI STU project to support young excellent research teams, (principal investigator Z. Rábeková, FEI STU), 2022-23
  • MLbiomedia – pokročilé metódy strojového učenia na návrh biometrických a medicínskych diagnostických systémov (MLbiomedia – Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Proposal of Biometrics and Medical Diagnostic Systems), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0867/17 (principal investigator M.Oravec, FEI STU), 2017-2020
  • project H2020 Newton – ICT-20 2015, Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication, 2015-2018, FB pageLinkedIn page
  • Návrh pokročilých metód biometrického rozpoznávania na základe obrazov tváre a dúhovky (Proposal of Advanced Methods of Biometric Recognition Based on Face and Iris Images), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0529/13 (principal investigator M.Oravec, FEI STU), 2013-2016
  • Inovácia vzdelávania v číslicovom spracovaní obrazu, v biometrii a v strojovom učení a neurónových sieťach (Education Innovation in Digital Image Processing, Biometrics, Machine Learning and Neural Networks), grant of the Slovak cultural and educational grant agency KEGA 010STU-4-2014 (principal investigator J.Pavlovičová, FEI STU), 2014-2016 project webpage
  • MoBiFaIR, Metódy biometrického rozpoznávania tvárí a dúhoviek (Face and Iris Recognition Biometric Methods), Program na podporu mladých výskumníkov (principal investigator V. Jirka, FEI STU), 2014
  • HBB-NEXT project, Next-Generation Hybrid Broadcast Broadband, project of 7th Frame Program FP7-ICT-2011-7-287848, coordinator Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
  • Pokročilé algoritmy spracovania obrazov na efektívne vyhľadávanie a kódovanie ľudských tvárí (Advanced Image Processing Algorithms for Effective Localization and Coding of Human Faces), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0961/11 (principal investigator J.Pavlovičová, FEI STU), 2011-2013
  • BioDaT, Biometrické rozpoznávanie na základe obrazov Dúhovky a Tváre (Biometric Recognition Based on Face and Iris Images), research grant from Nadácia Tatrabanky (Foundation of Tatrabanka), principal investigator Miloš Oravec, 2013
  • Návrh metód analýzy a klasifikácie pre biometrické rozpoznávanie obrazov ľudských tvárí a prevádzku komunikačných sietí (Proposal of Methods of Analysis and Classification for Biometric Recognition of Human Faces and Traffic in Communication Networks), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0214/10 (principal investigator M.Oravec, FEI STU), 2010-2011
  • Rozpoznávanie obrazov ľudských tvárí ako súčasť biometrických metód pre zvyšovanie bezpečnosti otvorenej spoločnosti (Recognition of Human Face Images as a Constituent of Biometric Methods for Increasing Security of the Open Society), grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/3117/06 (principal investigator M.Oravec, FEI STU), 2006-2008

Our software – Biosandbox

  • Universal biometric evaluation system Biosandbox: our open source framework for testing, evaluating and comparing of biometric methods.

  • Face recognition system for the HBB-NEXT project: our system works in real time and it is able to recognize one or more identities. HBB-Next poster

Our datasets

  • Static Hand Gesture Dataset of Slovak University of Technology HandGesture

Relevant publications


  • Danko, T., Oravec, M., Kurilová V., Pavlovičová, J. (2024)  Small Object Detection in Fundus Images, In Proceedings ELMAR-2024: 66th Int. symposium. Zadar, Croatia.  16-18 September, 2024. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2024, pp.105-108
  • Rábeková, Z., Andicsová, V., Oravec, M., Pavlovicova, J., Hintoš, P. (2024) Database of Slovak News Articles for Boilerplate Removal, In Proceedings ELMAR-2024: 66th Int. symposium. Zadar, Croatia.  16-18 September, 2024. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2024, pp.251-254
  • Šebeňa,M., Kačur,J., Zlacký, M. (2024) Author Identification Based on Convolutional Neural Network, In Proceedings ELMAR-2024: 66th Int. symposium. Zadar, Croatia.  16-18 September, 2024. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2024, pp.359-362
  • KAJAN, Slavomír – TREBUĽA, Marek – DUCHOŇ, František – KOVARÍKOVÁ, Zuzana – ŠVOLÍK, Michal – ŠVEC, Denis. Robotic Vision Inspection of Weld Quality Using Convolutional Neural Networks. In ICCC 2024 : 25th International Carpathian Control Conference. Krynica Zdrój, Poland. May 22-24, 2024. Danvers : IEEE, 2024. ISBN 979-8-3503-5070-8. DOI: 10.1109/ICCC62069.2024.10569157 ; IEEE: 10569157 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85198560206 ; WOS: 001268679000002.
  • KÖRÖSI, Ladislav – KAJAN, Slavomír – BERKI, Martin – SKIRKANIČ, Jaromír – LÚČNY, Michal – MELICHAR, Aleš – MIHÁLIK, Jakub. From Detection to Action: Implementing Deep Learning Inference in PLC Systems via Docker Services. In PDES 2024 : 18th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. Brno, Czech Republic. June 19-21, 2024. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2024, S. 19-24. ISSN 2405-8963 (2023: 0.365 – SJR). DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.365 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85202344236 ; WOS: 001296083700004.
  • KAJAN, Slavomír – GOGA, Jozef – MATEJIČKA, Peter – MINÁR, Michal – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila – KOŠUTZKÁ, Zuzana. Real-time visual verification of leap motion controller measurements for reliable finger tapping test in Parkinson’s disease. In Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 75, No. 4 (2024), s. 325-332. ISSN 1335-3632 (2023: 1.0 – IF, Q4 – JCR Best Q, 0.221 – SJR, Q3 – SJR Best Q). DOI: 10.2478/jee-2024-0039 ; WOS: 001288026300009 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85201098357.
  • MÁCSIK, Péter – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila – KAJAN, Slavomír – GOGA, Jozef – KURILOVÁ, Veronika. Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning classification of diabetic retinopathy. In IET Image Processing. Vol. 18, Iss. 3 (2024), s. 807-828. ISSN 1751-9659 (2023: 2.0 – IF, Q3 – JCR Best Q, 0.571 – SJR, Q2 – SJR Best Q). DOI: 10.1049/ipr2.12987 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85176916713 ; WOS: 001102166000001 ; CC: 001160501300019.
  • MATEJIČKA, Peter – KAJAN, Slavomír – GOGA, Jozef – STRAKA, Igor – BALÁŽ, Marek – JANOVIČ, Šimon – MINÁR, Michal – VALKOVIČ, Peter – HAJDÚK, Michal – KOŠUTZKÁ, Zuzana. Bradykinesia in dystonic hand tremor: kinematic analysis and clinical rating. In Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Vol. 18, (2024), Art. no. 1395827 [9] s. ISSN 1662-5161 (2023: 2.4 – IF, Q2 – JCR Best Q, 0.79 – SJR, Q2 – SJR Best Q). DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1395827 ; WOS: 001255206600001 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85197343353.


  • Mácsik,P., Pavlovičová,J., Goga,J., Kajan,S., Kurilová,V.: Image Preprocessing Based Ensemble Deep Learning Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy. In IET Image Processing. 00, 1-22 (2023). ISSN 1751-9659. (November 15, 2023). WOS a SCOPUS, IF: 2,3; JCR:Q3, SJR Q2
  • Kurilová,V., Bemberáková,D., Kocián,M., Šterbák,D., Knapčok,T., Palkovič,M, Hančák,S., Pavlovičová,J., Oravec,M., Thurzo,A., Kolář,P., Majtánová,N.: Unexpected corneal reflection phenomenon alters smartphone 3D image-based models of the eye. Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 74, No. 6 (2023), pp. 513-520. ISSN 1335-3632 (2022: 0.800 – IF, Q4 – JCR Best Q, 0.218 – SJR, Q3 – SJR Best Q). DOI: 10.2478/jee-2023-0059 ; WOS: 001126592400010 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85180448090
  • Kurilová,V., Rajcsányi,Sz., Rábeková,Z., Pavlovičová,J., Oravec,M., Majtánová,N.: Detecting glaucoma from fundus images using ensemble learning, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 328-335,  [abstract]   [full-paper]


  • GOGA, J.; VARGIC, R.; PAVLOVICOVA, J.; KAJAN, S.; ORAVEC, M. (2022) Structure and Base Analysis of Receptive Field Neural Networks in a Character Recognition Task. Sensors 2022, 22, 9743., (2021: 3.847 – IF, Q2 – JCR Best Q, 0.803 – SJR, Q1 – SJR Best Q).
  • VITKOVÁ, Z., DODEK, M., PAVLOVIČOVÁ, J., VITKO, A. (2022) Using a state-bounding observer to predict the guaranteed limits of drug amounts in rats after oral administration based on an uncertain pharmacokinetic model. In Pharmaceutics. Vol. 14, Iss. 4 (2022), Art. no. 861 [11] s. ISSN 1999-4923 (2021: 6.525 – IF, Q1 – JCR Best Q, 0.922 – SJR, Q1 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: WOS: 000785603400001 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85129197223 ; DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14040861
  • KAČUR, Juraj – PUTERKA, Boris – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila – ORAVEC, Miloš. Frequency, time, representation and modeling aspects for major speech and audio processing applications. In Sensors. Vol. 22, iss. 16 (2022), Art. no. 6304 [26] s. ISSN 1424-8220 (2021: 3.847 – IF, Q2 – JCR Best Q, 0.803 – SJR, Q1 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.3390/s22166304 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85136733062 ; WOS: 000845515800001 ; CC: 000845515800001.
  • KAČUR, Juraj. Algebraic zero error training method for neural networks achieving least upper bounds on neurons and layers. In Computers. Vol. 11, iss. 5 (2022), Art. no. 74 [17] s. ISSN 2073-431X (2021: 0.557 – SJR, Q2 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.3390/computers11050074 ; WOS:000802558500001 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85130178972.
  • MÁCSIK, Péter – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila – GOGA, Jozef – KAJAN, Slavomír. Local binary CNN for diabetic retinopathy classification on fundus images. In Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 19, no. 7 (2022), s. 27-45. ISSN 1785-8860 (2021: 1.711 – IF, Q3 – JCR Best Q, 0.380 – SJR, Q2 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85134760810.
  • KAJAN, Slavomír – MÁCSIK, Péter – KÖRÖSI, Ladislav – GOGA, Jozef -PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila. Comparison of neural models for modeling dynamic changes in microgrids. In 2022 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I): Proceedings ; 31st International Conference; 11-14 September 2022 Visegrád, Hungary, Danvers, Massachusetts, USA : IEEE, 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-8775-7. DOI: 10.1109/KI55792.2022.9925923 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85142034762 ; IEEE: 9925923.
  • KÖRÖSI, Ladislav – KAJAN, Slavomír – PAULUSOVÁ, Jana – ŠTEFAŇÁK, Peter. Servosystem control using gestures. In 2022 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I) : Proceedings ; 31st International Conference; 11-14 September 2022 Visegrád, Hungary. Massachusetts, USA : IEEE, 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-8775-7. DOI: Servo system control using gestures ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85142104699 ; IEEE: 9925973.
  • KAJAN, Slavomír – GOGA, Jozef. Simulation-based model control using static hand gestures in Matlab. In Information Technology Applications. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2022), s. 53-62. ISSN 1338-6468.
  • Thurzo A, Strunga M, Havlínová R, Reháková K, Urban R, Surovková J, Kurilová V. Smartphone-Based Facial Scanning as a Viable Tool for Facially Driven Orthodontics? Sensors. 2022; 22(20):7752.
  • Thurzo A, Urbanová W, Waczulíková I, Kurilová V, Mriňáková B, Kosnáčová H, Gális B, Varga I, Matajs M, Novák B. Dental Care and Education Facing Highly Transmissible SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Prospective Biosafety Setting: Prospective, Single-Arm, Single-Center Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(13):7693.


  •  PIRHALA, M., GOGA, J., KURILOVÁ, V., PAVLOVIČOVÁ, J. (2021) Segmentation of significant areas in retinal images, IWSSIP 2021, Bratislava, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1527. Springer, Cham.,
  • Thurzo,A., Svobodová Kosnáčová,H., Kurilová,V. et al: Use of Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Medicine, Forensic Anthropology and Clinical AnatomyHealthcare 2021, 9(11), 1545;
  • Adamik, M., Goga, J., Pavlovicova, J., Babinec, A., Sekaj, I.: Fast robotic pencil drawing based on image evolution by means of genetic algorithm, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2021, 103912, ISSN 0921-8890, (Q2-JCR, IF 3.12)
  • Omelina,Ľ., Goga,J., Pavlovičová J., Oravec,M., Jansen,B. (2021): A Survey of Iris DatasetsImage and Vision Computing, (Current Contents), Volume 108, April 2021, 104109, Q1, IF 3.1, * Supplemetary material to the paper: A list of existing databases of human iris
  • Kurilová, V., Goga, J., Oravec, M.,Pavlovičová, J., Kajan, S. (2021): Support vector machine and deep-learning object detection for localisation of hard exudatesNature Scientific Reports 11, 16045 (2021), Q1, IF 4.379
  • Kacur,J., Puterka,B., Pavlovičová J., Oravec,M. (2021): On the Speech Properties and Feature Extraction Methods in Speech Emotion RecognitionSensors, (Current Contents), Vol. 21, Issue 5, IF 3.275
  • Kajan, S., Pavlovičová, J.,Goga, J., Kurilová, V., Krajnak, R, Lacko, K., (2021) Detection of optic disc and macula in retinal images using deep learning methods, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Pirhala, M., Goga, J., Kurilová, V., Pavlovičová, J. (2021) Segmentation of significant areas in retinal images, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Pružinský, D., Sopiak, D., Oravec, M., (2021) Simultaneous localization and mapping in 3D space, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Andicsová, V., Bukovčiková, Z., Sopiak, D., Oravec, M., (2021) Automatic recognition of native advertisements for the Slovak language, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • NERUŠIL, Boris – POLEC, Jaroslav – ŠKUNDA, Juraj – KAČUR, Juraj. Eye tracking based dyslexia detection using a holistic approach. In Scientific Reports. Vol. 11, Iss. 1 (2021), Art. no. 15687
    [10] s. ISSN 2045-2322 (2021: 4.996 – IF, Q2 – JCR Best Q, 1.005 – SJR, Q1 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95275-1 ; WOS: 000684191400012 ; CC:000684191400012 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-851119606882022
  • KAČUR, Juraj – PUTERKA, Boris – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila – ORAVEC, Miloš. On the speech properties and feature extraction methods in speech emotion recognition. In Sensors. Vol. 21, iss.5 (2021), Art. no. 1888 [27] s. ISSN 1424-8220 (2021: 3.847 – IF, Q2 – JCR Best Q, 0.803 – SJR,Q1 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85102031118 ; WOS: 000628669900001 ; CC: 000628669900001 ; DOI: 10.3390/s21051888.
  • Thurzo A, Kurilová V, Varga I. Artificial Intelligence in Orthodontic Smart Application for Treatment Coaching and Its Impact on Clinical Performance of Patients Monitored with AI-TeleHealth System. Healthcare. 2021; 9(12):1695.
  • Kurilová V, Huba M, Goga J, Oravec M, Pavlovicova J, Majtanova N. Two machine-learning approaches for short-term COVID-19 hospitalization forecasting in Slovakia. ITAT 2021- Data Analysis in Response to Epidemics (DARE 2021), Helpa, Slovakia


  • Gajdoš, M., Bukovčiková, Z., Sopiak, D., & Oravec, M. (2020, September). Dataset Modification Captured in Uncontrolled Conditions. In 2020 International Symposium ELMAR (pp. 129-132). IEEE.
  • Kajan,S., Goga,J., Lacko,K., Pavlovičová,J.: Detection of diabetic retinopathy using pretrained deep neural networks. In 2020 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I): 30th International Conference. Velké Karlovice, Czech Republic. January 29-February 1, 2020. 1. ed. Danvers : IEEE, 2020, [5] s. ISBN 978-1-7281-4381-1. IEEE: 9039793 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85083088924 ; DOI: 10.1109/KI48306.2020.9039793.
  • Kajan,S., Goga,J., Zsíros,O.: Comparison of algorithms for dynamic hand gesture recognition. In 2020 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I): 30th International Conference. Velké Karlovice, Czech Republic. January 29-February 1, 2020. 1. ed. Danvers : IEEE, 2020, [5] s. ISBN 978-1-7281-4381-1. IEEE: 9039850 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85083095936 ; DOI: 10.1109/KI48306.2020.9039850.
  • MARKO, Lukáš. – VARGIC, Radoslav. Eye tracking of moving objects. In Redžúr 2020 : proceedings; 14th International Workshop on Multimedia and Signal Processing. June 5, 2020, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo SPEKTRUM STU, 2020, s.23-26. ISBN 978-80-227-5007-3.
  • ANUŠJAK, Milan. – VARGIC, Radoslav. An Approach to Augmented Reality in VR Environment. In Redžúr 2020 : proceedings; 14th International Workshop on Multimedia and Signal Processing. June 5, 2020, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo SPEKTRUM STU, 2020, s.45-48. ISBN 978-80-227-5007-3.
  • KAČUR, Juraj – POLEC, Jaroslav – SMOLEJOVÁ, Eva – HERETIK, Anton. An analysis of eye-tracking features and modelling methods for free-viewed standard stimulus: Application for schizophrenia detection. In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Vol. 24, No. 11 (2020), s. 3055-3065. ISSN 2168-2194 (2020: 5.772 – IF, Q1 – JCR Best Q, 1.293 – SJR, Q1 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: IEEE: 9115864 ; CC: 000587913300003 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85095799843 ; DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3002097.


  • Kajan, S., Goga, J., (2019): Rozpoznávanie gest ruky pomocou konvolučných neurónových sietí. ATP Journal plus, s. 51–55.
  • PUTERKA, Boris – KAČUR, Juraj – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila. Windowing for speech emotion recognition. In Proceedings ELMAR-2019 : 61st International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. September 23-25, 2019. 1. ed. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2019, S. 147-150. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-1-7281-2182-6. V databáze: IEEE: 8918885209/URK/2019 ; WOS: 000534133200033 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85077554070
  • L. Vizváry, D. Sopiak, M. Oravec and Z. Bukovčiková, „Image Quality Detection Using The Siamese Convolutional Neural Network,“ 2019 International Symposium ELMAR, 2019, pp. 109-112, doi: 10.1109/ELMAR.2019.8918678.
  • KAČUR, Juraj – POLEC, Jaroslav – CSÓKA, Filip – SMOLEJOVÁ, Eva. GMM based detection of schizophrenia using eye tracking. In CIBCB 2019 : 16th IEEE International Conference on
    Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Siena, Italy. July 9-11, 2019. Danvers : IEEE, 2019, S. 9-12. ISBN 978-1-7281-1462-0. V databáze: IEEE: 8791239; WOS: 000502841000002 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85071418704 ; DOI:10.1109/CIBCB.2019.8791239.
  • PUTERKA, Boris – KAČUR, Juraj – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, Jarmila. Windowing for speech emotion recognition. In Proceedings ELMAR-2019 : 61st International symposium. Zadar, Croatia.
    September 23-25, 2019. 1. ed. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2019, S. 147-150. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-1-7281-2182-6. V databáze: IEEE: 8918885209/URK/2019 ; WOS:000534133200033 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85077554070.
  • KAČUR, Juraj – POLEC, Jaroslav – CSÓKA, Filip. Eye tracking and KNN based detection of schizophrenia. In Proceedings ELMAR-2019 : 61st International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. September 23-25, 2019. 1. ed. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2019, S. 123-126. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-1-7281-2182-6. V databáze: IEEE: 8918840 ; WOS: 000534133200027 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85077612818.
  • CSÓKA, Filip – POLEC, Jaroslav – CSÓKA, Tibor – KAČUR, Juraj. Recognition of sign language from high resolution images using adaptive feature extraction and classification. In International
    Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications. Vol. 65, No. 2 (2019), s. 303-308. ISSN 0867-6747 (2019: 0.187 – SJR, Q3 – SJR Best Q). V databáze: WOS: 000471797900020 ; SCOPUS:2-s2.0-85067252874.


  • PAVLOVIČOVÁ, J. -KAJAN S.-Marko,M.- ORAVEC, M. – KURILOVÁ, V.. (2018) Bright Lesions Detection on Retinal Images by Convolutional Neural Network. In Proceedings ELMAR-2018 : 60th International Symposium. Zadar, Croatia.
  • Brezovský,M., Sopiak,D., Oravec,M.: Action Recognition by 3D Convolutional Network. In Proceedings ELMAR-2018 : 60th International Symposium. Zadar, Croatia.
  • Sopiak,D., Bukovčiková,Z., Oravec,M., Pavlovičová,J.: The Analysis of Quality Indicators on Face Recognition in Video Frames. In Proceedings ELMAR-2018 : 60th International Symposium. Zadar, Croatia.
  • KAČUR, Juraj – URBANČIKOVÁ, Lucia. Recognition of isolated words using feedforward neural networks. In IWSSIP 2018 : 25th International conference on systems, signals and image processing. Maribor, Slovenia. June 20-22, 2018. Piscataway : IEEE, 2018, USB, [4] s. ISBN 978-1-5386-6978-5. V databáze: IEEE: 8439573 ; WOS: 000451277200052 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85053121780.
  • PUTERKA, Boris – KAČUR, Juraj. Time window analysis for automatic speech emotion recognition. In Proceedings ELMAR-2018 : 60th International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. September 16-19,
    2018. 1. ed. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2018, S. 143-146. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-953-184-244-0. V databáze: IEEE: 8534630 ; WOS: 000454262700033 ; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85058708605.
  • Loderer, M., Pavlovičová J., Oravec M.(2018): Comparative Study of Local Binary Pattern Derivatives for Low Size Feature Vector Representation in Face Recognition, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2018 2018, pp. 199-216, ADM (WoS)


  • ANDONOVÁ. M. – PAVLOVIČOVÁ, J. -KAJAN S.- ORAVEC, M. – KURILOVÁ, V.. (2017) Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Based on CNN. In Proceedings ELMAR-2017 : 59th International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. 11-13 September, 2017. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017, S. 51-54. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-953-184-230-3, AFC
  • Gerat, J; Sopiak, D; Oravec, M; Pavlovicova, J.(2017): Vehicle Speed Detection from Camera Stream Using Image Processing Methods. In Proceedings ELMAR-2017 : 59th International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. 11-13 September, 2017. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017, S. 201-204. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-953-184-230-3, AFC
  • Bukovcikova, Z. Sopiak, D; Oravec, M; Pavlovicova, J.(2017): Face Verification Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Siamese Architecture. In Proceedings ELMAR-2017 : 59th International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. 11-13 September, 2017. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017, S. 205-208. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-953-184-230-3, AFC


  • L. Omelina, B. Jansen, B. Bonnechère, M. Oravec, J. Pavlovicova, S. Van Sint Jan: Interaction Detection with Depth Sensing and Body Tracking Cameras in Physical Rehabilitation, Focus Theme – Methodologies, Models and Algorithms for Patients Rehabilitation, Methods of Information in Medicine, 2016, Vol. 55, 1: 70-78, ISSN: 0026-1270, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, IF 2014: 2.248,

  • Marek Loderer, Jarmila Pavlovičová: Biometria – Rozpoznávanie ľudských tvárí (Biometrics – Face Recognition), scientific monography, FELIA Bratislava, 2016, 113 pages, ISBN 978-80-89824-06-9
  • Dominik Sopiak, Miloš Oravec, Jarmila Pavlovičová, Zuzana Bukovčíková, Monika Dittingerová, Alexandra Biľanská, Mária Novotná, Jozef Gontkovič: Generating Face Images Based on 3D Morphable Model, 2016 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), August 2016, Changsha, China, ISBN 978-1-5090-4093-3, pp.58-62
  • Ľuboš Omelina, Bart Jansen, Alexandra Biľanská, Miloš Oravec: Can we do iris recognition on mobile phones? Stability of iris patterns in different parts of the visible spectrum., ECCWS 2016: 15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ECCWS-2016, Jul 2016, Berlin
  • Kajan, Michal, Oravec, Miloš, Pavlovičová, Jarmila, Kurilová, Veronika. (2016) Determination of bright lesions in fundus images. In Proceedings ELMAR-2016 : 58th International symposium. Zadar, Croatia. 12-14 September, 2016. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2016, S. 77-80. ISSN 1334-2630. ISBN 978-953-184-221-1
  • Oravec, Miloš – Pavlovičová, Jarmila – Sopiak, Dominik – Jirka, Vojtěch – Loderer, Marek – Lehota, Ľuboš – Vodička, Marek – Fačkovec, Matej – Mihalik, Matej – Tomík, Martin – Gerát, Jozef. (2016) Mobile ear recognition application. In IWSSIP 2016 : 23th International conference on systems, signals and image processing. Bratislava, Slovakia. 23-25 May 2016. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016, S. 121-124. ISBN 978-1-4673-9555-7
  • Lesay, Boris – Pavlovičová, Jarmila – Oravec, Miloš – Kurilová, Veronika. (2016) Optic disc localization in fundus image. In IWSSIP 2016 : 23th International conference on systems, signals and image processing. Bratislava, Slovakia. 23-25 May 2016. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016, S. 125-128. ISBN 978-1-4673-9555-7